Sunday, August 24, 2014


All right! And here's the model I've spent most of today working on--my conversion of Proteus, with his Death Jack trophies!

Isn't he wonderful?! All right, so Proteus--he's a character heavy warbeast, which means you can only take one of him. And he's pretty much a Carnivean upgrade. Instead of the usual 4 Fury that most of my heavies can have, Proteus can have 5. He also has an ability called Herding, which means the warlock can force, reave, leach, heal, and transfer damage to other warbeasts that are in his command range. That pretty much gives the warlock an extra 7 inches of control from him. His Tentacle Lash, which is a range 6 ranged weapon, has Chain Weapon and Drag. Chain Weapon ignores Buckler and Shield and Shield Wall, which is handy. From what I've heard, Drag has gotten better--if he damages an enemy model with an equal or small base, they can be pushed any distance directly towards him. After being moved, Proteus can then make one normal melee attack against that model. Then I can continue to make additional melee attacks. Oh, and did I mention he also had a weapon with Reach, then two Open Fist melee attacks? And the Reach weapon also has Chain Weapon, and it also has Pull, which means if it hits a model with an equal or small base, it can be pushed any distance toward this model. Kinda like Drag, only for melee. He's pretty rude, yeah.

As for the painting and converting, I ordered some Death Jack parts off of the Privateer Press online store to use for the conversion. We have a challenge for our league this time to convert a model to have "trophies" or bits from other models. I decided on Death Jack because A) it will irritate Cryx players and B) Death Jack is overrated. He's good, but there's other good stuff, too. Just like my Carnivean--he's good, but I have other good stuff I like to play as well. So Proteus is holding the head within his tentacles and climbing over the shoulder pad (see in top picture) and the carapace (below).

Anyway, I love this model, and I can't wait to use him in a game soon. Peace out!

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