Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fyanna the Lash--new character solo!

Haha, sooooo, she came out on Friday the 13th. I was checking Facebook after work when I saw a posting from the game store I go to, Armored Gopher Games, announcing the new stuff that was in, and saw she was finally out.

Now, I've been waiting on her, because she sounds super fun to play. I've been excited for months.

She wasn't even on the shelf a half hour before I snatched her up. Teehee! She was assembled Friday evening and painted by Saturday. What can I say--I love to paint, and she was a really cool model.

And here she is--Fyanna the Lash! So, we'll go over her paint first, then her awesome shit. Since she is still Blighted Nyss, I did my usual light purple skin. It was actually a lavendar color and I thought it looked lovely. Her armor was actually painted bronze then highlighted with silver--the opposite of what I usually do. There were bandage looking bits on her legs and the arm holding the lash, so I just painted those white and dirtied them up with a black wash. Her hair I actually painted a dark red color with just a bit of purple mixed in, and her...cloth bit? Not sure what to call it, but the cloth she is wearing is another purpley-red color. The barbed lash is just a silver with some black wash. I mean, it's a chain--not much detailing to do there. ^^ I could have painted the barbs, but decided not to. There were some bone bits on her, like her spine and her claws.

Now, in combat, she is really neat. Ever time she makes a normal melee attack with her lash, which is a Power/Strength 12 Reach weapon--Reach means it has a two-inch melee range, which is much more than the usual half inch--she picks from three options. There is Dismember, which gives her an additional damage die against warbeasts. This would be awesome--if most people didn't play Warmachine with warjacks. I don't often get to face other Hordes players, but it's whatever.

Another option is Pitch--in which she throws you. Just gets to throw you, no matter how big you are. If she hits you, it is as if she passed the strength test and just sends that heavy warjack of yours in another direction. "Get out of my face!" This is handy because, after you are thrown, you are knocked down--and can automatically be hit. Ooooouch.

The last option is Beatback, in which, after the attack is resolved, the enemy model can be pushed one inch away from her and she can advance one inch. And, on her action her melee reach is four inches--so that means she can bring a lot more models in to her melee reach. Or, get you away from her so you are out of melee if you don't have Reach on your weapons. Now, she has Rapid Strike as well--which just means she can make an additional melee attack each combat action. Automatically, she gets two attacks. Ouch.

In addition, her weapon ignores the Buckler and Shield weapon qualities and Shield wall. Then she has Evasive, in which you can't make free strikes against her, and Prowl, which gives her stealth in concealment or cloud effects.

Needless to say, I am super excited to play her in a game. :D

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